January 11, 2017
Contact: Jenny Labbadia, Communications and Outreach Associate
Office: 202-635-5812 Email: jlabbadia@columban.org
Washington, DC- Columban missionaries enthusiastically welcome the recent announcement of the United States’ continued contribution to the Green Climate Fund. As people of faith, we are called to address the unprecedented threat of climate change on behalf of all creation, but especially on behalf of the most vulnerable who contribute least to the problem.
Climate change is a human-caused and urgent threat which necessitates a strong, moral response. Columban communities around the world in places such as the Philippines, Fiji, and Pakistan, experience firsthand the destabilizing effects of climate change. As such, we celebrate the United States’ continued contribution to this important fund which increases capacity for the world’s most vulnerable nations to limit greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the already devastating impacts.
Scott Wright, director of the Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach, adds, “As one of the largest contributors to climate change, the United States has a moral responsibility to act boldly. We call on the new administration to continue to make the Green Climate Fund a top priority in addressing the devastating effects of climate change.”
Today’s announcement strengthens the United States’ moral leadership in the world and reflects a crucial commitment to creation and the poor who are most vulnerable.
The Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach is the advocacy office for the Missionary Society of St. Columban. The Center serves as the line of communication between Columban missionaries serving in 15 countries around the world and policy makers in Washington, D.C. Our mission is to work towards a more just, peaceful, and environmentally sustainable world by engaging in the political process guided by our Catholic faith and the Gospel.
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