The Advocate's Toolbox will show you how to promote justice and the common good. It'll teach you how to leverage your influence as a constituent.
Our faith calls us to stand in solidarity with those who are vulnerable and persecuted. One way we can do that for the courageous people who defend our common home, especially indigenous communities, is by praying a "Novena for Earth Defenders."
"The Story of Climate Change" is a free resource that documents how climate change impacts vulnerable communities around the world, and what you can do to stand in solidarity with those communities.
The God of creation is calling each of us to reconnect with the natural world and reexamine how our lifestyles impact its wellbeing. The Columban Creation Covenant is a guide to help you do just that. By filling out the Columban Creation Covenant, you are making a commitment to the natural world. "How will I reconnect with God's creation?"
This examination will help you identify how the extraction of the raw materials needed to manufacture your purchases impacted workers, nearby communities, and the earth. It will help you imagine new ways to purchase responsibly.
Las cosas que compramos pasan por un largo proceso antes de llegar a nosotros. Este proceso comienza con la extracción de la materia prima y luego avanza por los niveles de producción, distribución, consumo y, finalmente, desecho. El proceso se conoce como una “cadena de producción.”
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