December 2, 2021

On December 2, the Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach submitted testimony to the Environmental Protection Agency as it seeks to implement a rule that will reduce methane from oil and gas sources. While we strongly support the rule, we urge the EPA to set even stronger standards. 

September 24, 2021

Columbans and our interfaith partners are shocked and horrified by the Biden administration’s escalation of Haitian deportations and expulsions and the inhumane treatment of Haitians by Border Patrol officers at the U.S. southern border.

June 15, 2021

June 20, 2021 is World Refugee Day. As the world celebrates the progress made to advance refugee protection polices and acknowledges the contributions that refugees have made in their host countries, it is important to remember that the need to continue to advance humane policies is now more critical than ever. 

May 22, 2021

Our missionary experience has taught as that all creation forms one earth community. All are necessary and important. We need an economic and social order that collaborates mutually with the whole of God's creation as well as a spirituality of care and relationship.

May 12, 2021

The Missionary Society of St. Columban joins with Catholic congregations around the world to raise our voices in protest to the government's use of violence and express our deep concern for the safety and well-being of the people of Myanmar. We join Pope Francis in calling for a just and peaceful resolution to the conflict, and an immediate end to the violence.

August 6, 2020

Our understanding of Christian Discipleship leads us to condemn in strongest terms defense policies that every day make life more insecure. The most blatant of these are present policies of nuclear armament which threaten all life. These policies are themselves a form of killing since they consume resources desperately needed to meet basic human needs.

July 1, 2020

In response to the ruling by a federal judge that all children currently held in U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody for more than 20 days must be released by July 17, the organizers of the Catholic Campaign to End Immigrant Child Detention, offer a joint statement as well as the following individual responses.

June 1, 2020

These killings display a pattern of silence and unwillingness by white Americans to end the grave injustice of racism. Racism is not only morally wrong; it is deeply sinful.

May 15, 2020

From the Americas to Asia, from Oceania to Europe, Columbans around the world celebrate the 5th anniversary and the Laudato Si’ message, especially in its call for integral ecology which is a holistic approach to care for our common home that draws on faith, science, education, advocacy, and lifestyle transformation. Columban eco-theologian Sean McDonagh and author of The Death of Life (2005) on biodiversity describes this encyclical as, “the single most important piece of Catholic Social Teaching each of the last 100 years and essential to every Catholic’s formation for the next 100 years.”


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