At the heart of the Columban mission is cross-cultural exchange, the belief that God speaks to us through the experiences of others, particularly those who are marginalized and the exploited earth, and that we should open our hearts to learn from those experiences. As St. Columban puts it: “a life unlike your own can be your teacher.”
We must cross divides of all kinds in order to deepen our faith and strengthen the bonds of solidarity to create a more just and peaceful world. But this doesn't mean you need to travel to far-flung places - you can do all this in your own community.
The Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach (CCAO) offers two workshops that can help your parish, school, religious community, or other faith community stand in solidarity with marginalized communities and the exploited earth:
Border Justice Workshop: going beyond the rhetoric to see the reality of US/MX border communities
Environmental Justice Workshop: listening to the "cry of the earth" and the experience of communities impacted by environmental degradation
The workshops are fit for any occasion: keynote presentations, assemblies and convocations, retreats and staff development, "First Friday" lecture, or whatever format works best for your community.
CCAO offers these workshops all year long, and is able to travel to any part of the country. The workshop is facilitated by a member of our staff.
CCAO asks that hosts pay for the workshop facilitator's travel and lodging. We do not charge an honorarium/speaker fee, but a donation to the Missionary Society of St. Columban is appreciated.
For more information, or to schedule a workshop, please email or call 202-635-5814.
Copyright © 2025 Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach, Washington, D.C.